
The Torus, the Zero Point Energy Field, the Creation Story - page 14

The Torus and how the Universe was created

The Torus is the oldest structure in existence and without it nothing could exist.

The toroidal form figures heavily in the esoteric study of Sacred Geometry...a meta-science that reveals how shape and mathematical form are primary underlying principles of manifestation.

Torus (plural tori) are shapes, patterns of energy, regular waves.

The Torus is self-organizing. Self-Organization Is a process whereby an overall order appears from specific interactions between individual parts of an initially disordered system. The process is spontaneous and happens without control from an external force. The system inherently knows how to create order from chaos.

The Torus is the self-regulating primary pattern that supports life forms.

What a torus looks like and how it interacts with vortices and other aspects of sacred geometry is the subject of argument.

The movie Thrive, Nassim Haramein, Marco Rodin and others depict the tube torus with external vortices (see left image in the diagram below). They speak of the white hole as am emitter and the black hole as an absorber. The zero point as a tiny space of no-thing in between the two vortices. They call it the Toroidal Vortex Model.

My Guides described the Torus as a plane stretching into infinity with two nipples, one on the top and one underneath. This caused me to question the commonly depicted tube torus with external vortices. I began to seek what I came to call the ‘Plane Torus’.  I found the 'Spiral Vortex Model'.

As with all energetic unseen constructs we may only become acquainted with the real nature of the construct if we perceive it psychically. Dr Walter B Russell  (May 19, 1871 – May 19, 1963) saw the structure psychically.   Dr Russell was an impressionist American painter of the Boston School, a sculptor, natural philosopher, musician, author, and builder. The New York Herald Tribune called him "the modern Leonardo", a Renaissance man for the twentieth century. Russell was considered by some a polymath. He has left a legacy that centers around his unique Cosmogony, or concept of the universe.  He spent many years writing about the nature of humankind's relationship to the Universal One and the various degrees of consciousness. His work appeals to those who are not only seekers but scientist, or those where that division ceases to exist. more

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In May of 1921 Dr Russell had an out-of-body experience he called Cosmic Illumination. New knowledge was revealed to him ‘in the Light’ as he put it. Debates with scientists and several books followed as he tried to explain his new knowledge. 

Dr Russell's version of the structure of the torus complete with the vortices, and zero-point sphere, releasing energy out into a plane, is known as an aspect of Russellian Science and is termed the Spiral Vortex Model. Dr Russell said that the vortices were male and female electrical generators both spinning in the same direction. The tori within the vortices were tonal resonators. 

The Organic Laws of Multi-dimensional Physics is the genuine sacred science and I believe the Russellian interpretation is the correct one. It is closer to my Guide's description. 

The Tube Torus

Example of an Electrical Transformer

The Tube Torus is similar to a donut in shape. Torus comes from the latin word for cushion.

Electrical engineers are very familiar with Tube Tori. Typically a copper torus transformer may have an input of 220V with an output of 110V.

The Spiral Vortex Model

I need to make it clear that only Spiral Vortex Model  is utilized in my healing methodology to un-create issues using the zero point sphere because it's an open infinite energy system. The toroidal vortex model is closed finite system.

Creation Story

The whole of creation exists because of the first Spiral Vortex. For many years I have been seeking the truth about how the Universe was created. The best explanation I came to understand was that in the stillness of the original void where there was only one, unified wholeness, movement occurred, as a result of our Eternal Creator's desire for expansion and experience. And in this movement space was created for some aspects of unity to move away and become seemingly separated. Yet in truth still part of the whole. Just in a different 'place'. This meant that one had become two. As a result male and female Divine were created. These two aspects then birthed a third aspect. The Trinity was established. All creation occurs as a result of this progeny who creates using sound.

The syntactical nature of reality, the real secret of magic, is that the world is made up of words.  And if you know the words that the world is made up of, you can make of it, whatever you wish.
Terence McKenna

This explanation was hard to conceive of until I came across this excellent computer visual of how that movement occurred. The concept was given to Itzhak Bentov and he wrote about it in his book on the mechanics of consciousness called ‘Stalking the Wild Pendulum published in 1977 two years before his untimely death in the tragic AA flight 191 Chicago O’Hare airport disaster. Itzhak calls it the Cosmic Egg and you will see how the egg morphs into the first Plane Torus.

The sound of the two polarities of the egg coming back together was in essence the original sound - the ‘word’ as it was translated from the original ancient sacred text.

"In the beginning was the word and the word was with God". John 1:1

A slightly different type of big bang that the one Stephen Hawkins postulates.

Itzhak Bentov was a scientist,inventor,and an early pioneer in the research of consciousness. By blending analytical knowledge and intuitive insight, Bentov was the first to develop what is now widely accepted today as a holographic model of reality. This film is a short encapsulated version of his inspirational exploration of consciousness and the cosmos, presented in its original form by his widow Mirtala. Ultimately your perception of reality will be turned inside out by the facts presented in this critically acclaimed film.

I consider this work to be the best ever explanation of our evolutionary process. Just one and a half hours of viewing will change your perception of yourself and the Universe forever. You have been warned!

Zero Point Energy Field

Itzhak Bentov's hand drawn image of the Cosmic Egg - the infinite Plane Torus that began Creation

In the above diagram Itzhak uses the common terms black hole and white hole.  As I have already discussed the correct terminology would be male vortex and female vortex.  Both vortices pull energy in.  They emit energy via the sphere onto an infinite plane.  The sphere has also been termed the 'zero point', vertex, or singularity. In this space there is no-thing yet everything. The ultimate space of pure potential. This is the birth place of our own personal manifestations

The Zero Point Sphere energizes and enlivens living organisms. It neutralises harmful frequencies. It increases spiritual awareness, a sense of oneness, and is in our higher consciousness. This is ostensibly a void of no-thingness yet it contains full potential to create.

Bentov postulated that the Zero Point Sphere frequency is above gamma rays.
By the way if the full spectrum above was a road it would
stretch for 100kms and the visible light spectrum our eyes can see
would be equivalent to a single human hair's width!

Because this Zero Point Energy Fields exists within our Higher Heart Chakra we truly are fully conscious empowered beings. This Zero Point Sphere contains pure potential that can be activated by the power of intention, also known as will (NB. this is not personal egoic willpower but our heart based divine will).

Love is the glue of the Universe 
Itzhak Bentov

Further Reading:

University of Philosophy Russellian Science

Stalking the Wild Pendulum
On the Mechanics of Consciousness by Itzhak Bentov


  1. That is incredibly interesting and en-Lightening! Information that I have sensed for a long time, makes more sense. Thank you.

    1. Hi Lisa, I am delighted to have given you a precious piece of the 'ultimate puzzle' as a gift on Xmas Day! Blessings from Rita

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I found this information so exciting. I have recently began to envision and work with the energy of white holes and didn't know they really existed. I have also been working for several years with human torriodal fields as an energy worker but recently have found them to be coming to my attention as I focus on my evolving body of work in consciousness and cosmic connection with the Creator of " All That Is. I would like to share your work and links with my "tribe" if I may. Gina-Dianne Harding, BScN, MPH. MDiv., author "From Fear to Eternity: 212 Ways to Let Go of Limiting Beliefs and Shift Your Energy Into Higher Consciousness Living"

    1. Hi Gina-Dianne and thank you for your message. I am honoured that you wish to share my work and links. I have read your two web sites and feel a strong resonance between us. i'll be interested to hear how your tribe react to the info. Lets keep in touch. Namaste Rita Gott Marr

    2. Hi Gina, are you by any chance related to Prof. G.W.Hardin the mathematician.

  4. Stumbled upon this. Thank you for sharing.

    1. Thanks Barbara for your comment. Glad you found the info of interest.

  5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  6. Thank you so much for this! greetings from Brazil!

  7. Thank you, Rita, for this information. I'm not a scientist, but an artist and author researching ancient petroglyphs. There is a GLOBAL image illustrating the plasma form produced during very strong coronal mass ejections (CMEs)that IS a toroidal shape. Ancient people saw this image in the skies and reproduced it as best as they could in stone. A good site to visit is Anthony Peratt's (plasma physicist)explaining this connection. A most important point to me is what I've suggested for many years - that is that "black holes" do not exist as structures misinterpreted by old school scientists, but, instead, are Torus'- strong energy fields swirling through space much as earth's tornado's.

  8. Thank you, Rita, for this information. I'm not a scientist, but an artist and author researching ancient petroglyphs. There is a GLOBAL image illustrating the plasma form produced during very strong coronal mass ejections (CMEs)that IS a toroidal shape. Ancient people saw this image in the skies and reproduced it as best as they could in stone. A good site to visit is Anthony Peratt's (plasma physicist)explaining this connection. A most important point to me is what I've suggested for many years - that is that "black holes" do not exist as structures misinterpreted by old school scientists, but, instead, are Torus'- strong energy fields swirling through space much as earth's tornado's.

  9. I found this after a google search on the toroidal shapen and it's relation to spirituality. This is amazing, I experienced the Torus in a group meditation recently, the energy flowed between us and above and below and was shaped like the helix and made the shape of the Torus. I felt like there was no separation and that the connection between us and the rest of the universe had no end and no befinning. It can only be described as Divine Love. Thank you for sharing this.

  10. Hi I have only one question please help me :))) is there any kind of technique that can help me to feel that Torus energy and feel safe and connected with the surrounding?

    1. Hi Ika - Have you used my free meditation on Page 12 of this site?

  11. im very interested in adapting this to green clean energy... has there been any research in this area?

    1. Foster Gamble at The Thrive Movement is a player in the research arena - start with then go to the Hub section of the Thrive website - that should get you started.

  12. Very nice. By Had a do you mean Shiva?

    1. Hello Partha - please repeat your question as I am not clear what you are asking. You have typed Had did you mean God ? Just looked at your blog and listened to your video on sacred sounds very interesting. Thank you for sharing your knowledge. Namaste Rita

  13. How interesting. I was looking for info on the Torus and came upon your article. I have seen this in my meditation for many years. I always called it a dounut not knowing what it was. As I would sit with it I could not tell if I was moving toward it or it toward me but It was in motion. I found out a few years ago what it was and decided to research a bit about it tonight. Thank you for this article.

    1. Thanks for sharing Denny. Glad you found your way here. Namaste Rita

  14. Is the Torus the same in essence of that of the subtle body?

    1. Cindy the human energy field consists of many layers, like Russian Dolls nested one within the other. There are many toroids in our energy system, for example the heart has its own and the chakras each have their own in addition to the whole body's nested toroids. Some of the layers have been specifically named. The 7 subtle bodies of the auric field for example are well known by their names Etheric, Emotional, Mental, Astral, Etheric Template, Celestial Body, Casual Body or Ketheric Template.

    2. Thank you Rita. I will read up more on the subject. Very interesting.

  15. Hi Rita,
    Would like to hear more about the moebius strip. Thank you for providing this fascinating information on the Toroid!

    1. Hi Melissa - the mobius strip is another term for the infinity symbol shown above (looks like a special type of figure of 8 on its side). The mobius has only one surface with no beginning or end and it twists around. It uses a two dimensional piece of paper to create a three dimensional shape that can be said to be representative of the multi dimensional toroid.

  16. Wow!! I can not tell you how powerfully this touched me to the point of bringing tears to my eyes at the finale of the ultimate discovery of self observing self as god. This knowledge ties into my own spiritual journey of the last 5 years following the activation of my lightbody. We are indeed are on the journey home and I am in awe of the process. I am personally working on repairing the earth grids and remapping the timetables as part of my service to evolution. Now that we (my multidimensional selves) have cleared and collapsed so many timelines I have just started hearing about torroidal fields which is how I found your post. Thank you Rita for sharing this as it resonates so very deeply with me!!

    1. Cheri - thank you so much for your comment. Sending you gratitude for the service work you do. Glad to have been energetically touched by you as you make your journey home. Namaste

    2. Thank you too Rita for being a divine messenger!! Spirit always leads us to what we need in perfect syncronicity and here you are with the information to share in perfect divine timing. Namaste to you too Rita in truth and resonance within the unified field of consciousness in (L)iving (O)ne (V)ibrational (E)nergy!!!

  17. I have found myself interested recently in grid work too and have recently begun to practice. Tonight i stumble upon this and you :) hello from California.

    1. Greetings from Cape Town to a fellow Kindred Spirit. Thanks for visiting.

  18. ty for information, here is another link for digging

  19. I wrote about this too. Chakras + Evolution

  20. Helpful artical.
    Thanks for a well written and informative post.
    What Is the Meaning of Energy?

  21. Gratitude.
    Both Itzhark and Russell have been re-read many times.
    Found your Torus diagram most interesting
    Mental/emotional/physical etheric forms?
